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Sep 20, 2022

On Mount Sinai, Yahweh arrives in glory and power, and invites Moses up into the fiery cloud at the top of the mountain. This same glory was revealed to us in Jesus, and dwells inside us by the Holy Spirit. Are we aware of the presence around us and within us every day?

The Scriptures are full of stories...

Sep 11, 2022

After freeing them from their slavery in Egypt, God leads the people of Israel through the sea in a pillar of fire, a physical manifestation of His presence. Today, we follow the flame of God by His Spirit living within us. We watch for and follow His every move as He leads us on.

The Scriptures are full...

Sep 4, 2022

In the wilderness outside of Egypt, running from his past, Moses finds himself called into something greater than he could have imagined. Right now today, in your world, God is up to something, and He is sending YOU. What does it look like to encounter Jesus face-to-face and join him in what he's doing?